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Este es un buen espacio para extenderte sobre tu compañía y servicios. Puedes usar este espacio para incorporar más detalles sobre tu empresa. Escribe sobre tu personal y los servicios que ofreces. Cuéntales a los visitantes la historia sobre cómo se te ocurrió la idea de tu negocio y diles qué te diferencia de tus competidores. Haz que tu empresa se destaque y muestra a tus visitantes quién eres.
Hello again. In this UNIT we are going to visit the United Kingdom and Ireland. The United Kingdom includes England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capital of the United Kingdom and its biggest city is London, a global city and financial centre with an urban area population of 10.3 million. Dublin is the capital of the Republic of Ireland, the other sovereign state in the British Isles. There is much confusion about the terms England, United Kingdom, Great Britain and Britain, as well as other terms such as British and English. You can check this document or this webpage to know more about it. Now that you know more about the UK you can complete this challenge. Look on the Internet for the information you need to complete your UK passport minibook.
We will also learn how to talk about our daily routines and give directions to get to places in a city or town in this UNIT. Enjoy your visit!