You are now going to do different tasks and challenges in order to learn more about Ireland.
First of all, look at the maps and complete the following sentences:
Ireland is divided in ____ parts. The ______________________________, also known as Éire, is the biggest part. Its capital city is _______________. ___________________________ is part of the United Kingdom. Its capital city is _________________.

Now use different colours for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in this map.

This fact file contains information about Ireland.

Now that you have read the FACT FILE about Ireland you can answer the following questions. If you need more information, you can read this Wikipedia article on the Internet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ireland
What is the other name of the Republic of Ireland?
What are the colours of the Irish flag?
What are the official languages in the Republic of Ireland?
What currency do they use in the Republic of Ireland? Pound or Euro?
What currency do they use in Northern Ireland?
On which continent is Ireland located?
In what ocean is Ireland located?
The island of Ireland is divided into the Republic of Ireland and the much smaller Northern Ireland. What is the capital of the Republic of Ireland?

Read the text and match the English words to the Spanish meaning. You can use this dictionary webpage online to do the activity: https://es.oxforddictionaries.com/
Guinness is an Irish beer that originated in the brewery of Arthur Guinness (1725–1803) in the capital city of Dublin, Ireland. Guinness is one of the most successful beer brands worldwide. It is brewed in almost 50 countries and is available in over 120. Annual sales total of Guinness in 2011 was 850 million litres.

Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated each year on March 17th. In Ireland, Saint Patrick's Day is a national holiday. Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland.
Although it began in Ireland, Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated in countries around the world. People with Irish heritage remind themselves of the beautiful green countryside of Ireland by wearing green and taking part in the festivities.
Saint Patrick's Day is usually celebrated with a parade. The one in Dublin is known to some as the Irish Mardi Gras. But the one in New York City is actually one of the biggest, it lasts for hours. More than one hundred bands and a hundred thousand marchers participate in the parade.
Text adapted from Leanne Guenther

Dublin parade

New York parade
Read the sentences and write if they are T (True) or F (False):
Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated in summer.
Saint Patrick's Day is only celebrated in Ireland.
Saint Patrick's Day is a national holiday in the United States.
The countryside in Ireland is green.
More than 100,000 people participate in the New York parade.
There are many words connected to Saint Patrick’s Day. You can have a look at this webpage:
http://www.vocabulary.cl/english/saint-patricks-day.htm and then do the word search. Have fun!

Dublin parade
New York parade